XC racing at its finest
September 14, 2025
We are kicking through the saloon doors of dirt riding and adding the classic Banana Belt to your weekend activities. Forty miles of sweet Salida singletrack on the beloved Methodist Mountain.
Aid stations? Yes.
Lead-out through town to wave your humblebrag flag? Yes.
Supports Salida Mountain Trails that does the hard work of building and maintaining the trails you ride? Yes.
In one of the best chill towns in Colorado? Yes.
Registration opens February 19, 2025
Like the XC thing? Good. We have another fab race for you in June - The Hundo. Word on the trail is that you can sign up for both the Banana and the Hundo in February. More details a-coming.
Spectacular singletrack
Tremendous views of the Sawatch and Sangre de Cristo mountains
FREE food and beer (and seltzer) at finish line from local partners
Afterparty in Riverside Park
The Banana Belt is a 40-mile showcase of some of the finest high-country mountain biking in Colorado. Net proceeds go to the trail wizards at Salida Mountain Trails, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that stewards 50+ miles of singletrack around Salida.